Episode 83: National Weight Control Registry
Episode 83: National Weight Control Registry
Is there any difference between people who lose weight and are able to keep it off compared to those who lose weight only to gain it all back? It was with this question in mind that the National Weight Control Registry was formed.
Founded in 1994 by Rena Wing, Ph.D., from Brown Medical School, and James O. Hill, Ph.D., from the University of Colorado, the National Weight Control Registry is the largest prospective study of long-term weight loss maintenance. It was developed to identify and investigate the factors associated with long-term weight loss success. The NWCR tracks over 10,000 people who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off over an extended period of time. Researchers examine the behavioral and psychological characteristics of weight maintainers as well as the strategies they use to maintain their weight loss through detailed questionnaires and annual follow-up surveys.
Key Highlights:
Tune in to this episode and learn:
- The demographics of the people registered in the NWCR
- The most common technique the registrants used to keep their weight off
- Does the maintenance of weight loss get easier over time?
- The relationship between the consistency of dieting and the maintenance of weight
- The most common strategies used to manage the holidays
“There’s often a pivotal moment following which we take massive action to do something in the right direction.” – Dr. Avishkar Sabharwal
“Consistency is very important. And hence developing strategies to maintain that consistency is also equally important.” – Dr. Avishkar Sabharwal
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